Celebrating over 120 Years of Service
Worship service is offered in our Sanctuary every Sunday morning at 10:30 am, and is also live streamed online on our YouTube page and available throughout the week. Upon entering the east entrance, you will be greeted warmly by one of our ushers. Our service starts and ends with music and we are led in prayer and devotion by our pastor, Dr. Bob Norris. The Chapel is a warm and friendly place. It is our goal to make you feel as welcome in our church home as we are.
Our children’s Sunday School is conducted at 10:30 a.m. in Seagull Cottage. Seagull Cottage is the building located at the rear of the church parking lot. Please go to the second floor, where your child will be greeted warmly and given a name badge. To ensure the utmost security, the parent will also be given a badge that will be collected upon pick-up. Emergency contact information, allergies and pertinent details will be taken at that time. If you happen to visit us in the fall, your child will learn from the Old Testament. If you visit us in the spring or summer, your child will learn a lesson from the New Testament.
All well infants are invited into our nursery by loving and thoughtful caregivers. Please enter the Sanctuary through the north entrance and head past the front desk. You will find the nursery located at the end of the hall.
If you have any questions during your visit, an usher, one of our greeters, or one of our Board members would be eager to speak with you.