Celebrating over 120 Years of Service

Members take pride in the beauty of the Chapel, its comprehensive music program, and the feeling of warmth and true affection shared by all in faith and dedication to Christ’s purpose..

Prospective members join Dr. Robert S. Norris at an introductory meeting on the same Sunday morning when they are received into membership. New member gatherings are scheduled four times annually and meet in Seagull Cottage at 9 a.m. prior to the 10:30 a.m. service of worship.

It is not at all uncommon for Chapel members to have other church affiliations in other locations and to call the Chapel their home while they are home here in South Florida. Chapel members arrive on Sunday morning for worship having traveled as far south as Boca Raton and as far north as Jupiter. The Chapel is not affiliated with a particular denomination, although Dr. Norris and Dr. Janklow are members of the Presbyterian Church USA. The Chapel has been referred to over the years as being “Non-Denominational” or “Inter-Denominational,” but Dr. Norris characterizes the Chapel today as “Post-Denominational.” Most people attending worship at the Chapel who tell us they enjoy the unique flair of a strong, relevant pulpit and magnificent integrated music also identify themselves as having come from a traditional mainline denomination.

The Chapel’s congregation strives to assure new members that they have found a home where their spiritual needs are met, not only on a weekly – but a daily – basis.

Interested in Membership?